
Also see my google scholar profile.
The fitness landscape of social norms in social dilemmas
Puelma Touzel M.
draft ]
Ideology from topic mixture statistics: Inference method and example application to carbon tax public opinion
Puelma Touzel M, Lachapelle E.
Environmental Data Science (2024).
Earlier version: NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning (2022).
Journal paper | workshop paper ]
NoisET: Noise learning and Expansion detection of T-cell receptors
Bensouda Koraichi M, Puelma Touzel M, Mazzolini A, Mora T, Walczak A.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2022).
journal ]
Summarizing Societies: Agent Abstraction in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Puelma Touzel M*, Me'marian A*, Bhati R, Riemer M, Rish I.
From Cells to Societies: Learning Across Scales Workshop, ICLR (2022).
workshop paper ]
Continual Learning In Environments With Polynomial Mixing Times
Riemer M*, Chandra Raparthy S*, Cases I, Subbaraj G, Puelma Touzel M, Rish I.
NeurIPS (2022).
(also see Ecological Reinforcement Learning Workshop, NeurIPS (2021).)
proceedings | workshop paper ]
Deliberation gated by opportunity cost adapts to context with urgency
Puelma Touzel M, Cisek P, Lajoie G.
PLoS Computational Biology (2022).
journal | supp. video ]
On Lyapunov Exponents for RNNs: Understanding information propogation using dynamical systems tools
Puelma Touzel M*, Vogt R*, Shlizerman E, Lajoie G.
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics & Statistics (2022).
journal ]
Inferring the immune response from repertoire sequencing
Puelma Touzel M, Walczak A, Mora T.
PLoS Computational Biology (2020).
journal ]
Non-normal Recurrent Neural Network (nnRNN): learning long time dependencies while improving expressivity with transient dynamics
Goyette K, Kerg GC, Puelma Touzel M, Gidel G, Vorontsov E, Bengio Y, Lajoie G.
NeurIPS (2019).
proceedings ]
Statistical mechanics of spike events underlying phase space partitioning and sequence codes in large-scale models of neural circuits
Puelma Touzel M, & Wolf F.
Physical Review E (2019).
journal | preprint | supp. video ]
Precise tracking of vaccine-responding T-cell clones reveals convergent and personalized response in identical twins
Pogorelyy M, Minervina A, Puelma Touzel M, Sycheva A, Komech E, Kovalenko E, Karganova G, Egorov E, Komkov A, Chudakov D, Mamedov I, Mora T, Walczak A, Lebedev Y.
PNAS (2018).
journal | preprint ]
Origin of Public Memory B Cell Clones in Fish After Antiviral Vaccination
Magadan S, Jouneau L, Puelma Touzel M, Marillet S, Chara W, Six A, Quillet E, Mora T, Walczak A, Cazals F, Sunyer O, Fillatreau S, Boudinot P.
Frontiers in Immunology (2018).
journal ]
Invasions of Host-Associated Microbiome Networks
Murall CL, Abbate JL, Puelma Touzel M, Allen-Vercoe E, Alizon S, Froissart R, & McCann K.
Chapter in "Networks of Invasion: Empirical Evidence and Case Studies".
Advances in Ecological Research (2017).
journal | pdf ]
Cellular dynamics and stable chaos in balanced networks
PhD Thesis, University of Goettingen (2015).
online library ]
Complete Firing-Rate Response of Neurons with Complex Intrinsic Dynamics
Puelma Touzel M, & Wolf F.
PLoS Computational Biology (2015).
journal ]
Dynamical models of cortical circuits
Wolf F, Engelken R, Puelma-Touzel M, Weidinger JDF, & Neef A.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology (2014).
journal | pdf ]
Optimal bounded-error strategies for projective measurements in nonorthogonal-state discrimination
Touzel MAP, Adamson RBA, & Steinberg AM.
Physical Review A (2007).
journal | preprint ]